What Are The Benefits of Vibration Plates?
You may have already heard of the amazing success that many people have had by using vibration plates to work out.
Whole-body vibration exercising is an exciting new type of exercise that has become incredibly popular all over the world in recent years.
Indeed, as well as being commonplace in gyms, it is now increasingly common for people to use them as a home gym as well. This is clearly a convenient way to help you lose weight and get into shape with improvements to movements and muscle strength, but how exactly do they work and what are the main vibration machine benefits?
How Vibration Machines & Plates Work
In its simplest form, vibration platforms, also known as a whole-body vibration machine, sends erratic signals to your brain that fools you into thinking that you are off-balance, and at risk of falling over. This then causes your muscles to contract several times every second in order to keep you upright and stable with the effect of improving leg strength.
Not all vibration plates work in exactly the same way but the general idea is always essentially much the same. Vibration plates move at different frequencies and speed, some as high as 30 and can even increase up to 50 vibrations per second. So the intensity of the vibration rate must be taken into consideration when purchasing.
Once the vibration plate is turned on, you can start to benefit from whole-body vibrations, which is commonly known as WBV.
You can just simply stand on this, but to be honest, you won’t achieve anywhere near the same intensity or effects as if you do a workout. There’s a ton of exercises you can carry out such as squats and lunges for the increase of endurance and full-body benefits. If you’d like to learn more about how vibration machines work, check out our full article.
If curiosity has piqued your interest by this point, below are the top 3 most popular vibration plates our customers are buying.
If you still want to learn more, skip this section and head down to all the body vibration therapy benefits of vibration plates.

- Online Bestseller
- Over 150 Reviews
- Easy To Use
- Extremely Versatile

- Over 500 Reviews
- An 'Amazon Choice'
- Full 3D Vibration
- Lifetime Guarantee

- Over 325 Reviews
- Perfect on a Budget
- Small & Compact
- Versatile Design
What Are The Main Whole Body Vibration Benefits?
If you find you simply don’t have enough time to work out in the way that you would like to, then the biggest benefit of a vibrations plate is the fact you can keep it at home.
In fact, research has shown that a vibration plate can give you the same results as traditional exercise methods in just half the time. Vibrating plates can cause you to have up to 50 muscle contractions each second. WOW!
Many experts in the fitness industry have said that the best results can be achieved with a Vibro plate by working out 3 or 4 times each week and for up to 30 minutes each time.
Without getting into the exact facts and figures involved in this method of losing weight and gaining strength with vibration plate exercises, it is clear that the benefits are up there with physical activity, and it all means you have to spend less time working out.
The main vibration machine benefits are:
1. Vibrating Machine for Weight Loss
If your main reason for looking to use the best vibration plate on the market is to lose some weight, then you are sure to be delighted with the results that you can achieve.
With vibration training on a regular basis as this raises your metabolism and therefore helps with burning the fat off, but again remember you do need a healthy diet for any health benefits that you are looking to achieve. But certainly, with the help of this machine, the stress and worry about those calories will reduce.
Another of the vibration plate benefits is that when this machine starts relieving your stress level with gentle exercise and vibrations it can have the effect of lowering the level of the stress hormone cortisol, this hormone is good when at a normal level but if it rises it can slow the metabolism and the burning of calories, thus causing weight gain and fatigue. So a positive side effect of this is that you are going to feel more energetic as well as gaining strength.
By undergoing whole-body vibration exercises regularly, you could soon start to see your size drop within a matter of weeks, alongside that overall, feel-good factor too.
2. Stronger Bones and Muscles
While some vibration plate users aim to lose body mass, there is no denying that it is also a wonderful way of building stronger muscles and bones too. The way that vibrator plate causes your muscles to contract on a regular basis is ideal for the muscle groups strengthening and toning.
To really give yourself a fabulous workout you can carry out strength training exercises such as squats, dips, and lunges while you are using the machine. A sure way to give your muscles more strength and tone and help the joints.
The benefits of vibration machines in this area can be seen in the way that they are often recommended for people who are in therapy. Whole-body vibration can be perfect when there is the aim of rehabilitating weak and damaged muscles without putting too much stress on them.
The benefit of gaining stronger bones and greater bone density is also good news for any who need to fight off osteoporosis or other bone conditions especially as they get older, but we must add that the research is done on this and whether it does, in fact, increase bone mineral density is somewhat conflicting, but it can’t hurt surely.
3. Increased Growth Hormone Production
As you work out your muscle tissues, you are also going to stimulate your body’s production of human growth hormone also known as HGH. This helps to build muscle mass, boost metabolism, and burn fat, a massively important hormone that also helps to repair and regenerate damaged tissue.
Overall, you should feel happier, more relaxed and have less stress once you get into the swing of a good workout like this. Due to the production of other useful hormones such as serotonin, as this is a key hormone that stabilizes our mood and feelings of well-being it will help you to feel as though you are on top of the world.
4. Better Balance and Coordination
An advantage that you might not initially consider is to be found in the way that a power plate will help you to gain better balance and coordination, as well as helping you to gain more flexibility and core strength.
Regardless of how you decide to work out, the way that you need to engage your muscles to maintain your stability means that you will get stronger muscle fibers in the parts of the body that are used to stabilize your joints.
This is likely to be a gradual process through the vibration therapy that sees you improve in these vital areas over time but the overall benefits will be impressive.
5. Better Blood Circulation and Other Health Benefits
There are some other health benefits associated with full-body vibration exercises. For a start when your muscles contract it will help to boost your blood circulation and blood flow which then aids your body’s immune system.
It is also worth pointing out that it can help to get a better posture and, therefore, reduce the likely hood of getting back pain, but please note if you have back pain already consult your doctor or osteopath before jumping on a vibrating plate as this is a prevention benefit, not a cure or help. There has been researching done on the effectiveness of whole-body vibration therapy in females with rheumatoid arthritis and it was concluded that this therapy may improve flexibility, help preserve bone mass and decrease fatigue, as with most exercise that people with this condition can do.
The FBV workout has also been shown to lower cellulite levels among its other benefits, find out more here Do vibration machines help reduce cellulite?
6. It Feels Good to Work Out
Your first impression might be that using vibrating platforms is a little bit strange, especially if you don’t have the full handle support such as that found on the Confidence Fitness vibration plate. However, it doesn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable at all and it definitely isn’t painful in any way, assuming you don’t overuse them! We recommend checking out the main vibration machine side effects before purchasing.
You will soon get used to the vibration sensation and it is highly likely that you end up rating it as a pleasant experience. If you get sore or are bored with doing other types of exercise then this is going to be a far more enjoyable way of working out for you.
Why not listen to music or watch the television while you use one of these machines. This means that there should be nothing to stop you from gaining from the toning, flexibility, and circulation benefits of the vibration therapy whenever it suits you to do so and all stress-free.
7. An Easy and Convenient Way of Working Out
The huge factor for many of us right now is the ease and convenience with which we can do some exercise. After a hard day at work, we simply don’t want to have to think about getting ready to go to the gym for some weight training treadmill walking, etc, and with this, there is no spending a lot of time setting up equipment either.
The beauty of a vibrating plate is you can come home and hop straight onto the machine. This is a modern, hi-tech gadget that is incredibly easy to use and also a good deal of fun to try as well.
In addition, they are often compact and stylish devices that don’t take up much room and can also look good in the right setting. If you don’t have a lot of room for exercise equipment or don’t want to ruin the look of your home then this is a great option.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Although we have covered nearly all that we feel will help you discover exactly what vibration plate benefits are below we will answer the questions that are most frequently asked.
Do Vibration Plates Help You Lose Weight?
Vibration plates help with various forms of fitness and flexibility, but do vibration plates help you lose weight? Yes if you’re to believe the studies. Along with a healthy diet and a regular training regime a vibration platform helps with fat loss and metabolism and therefore weight loss.
Do Vibration Plates Work If You Just Stand On Them?
If it sounds too good to be true, then it usually is. Everyone wants the answer to Do vibration plates work if you just stand on them to be yes but sadly it is a no, not really.
They will help muscle tone and muscle strength to a certain degree but you do vibration plate workouts to gain the true health benefits and fat loss that you want to achieve.
Are vibration plates dangerous?
As far as this question of are vibration plates dangerous goes, the answer is not a simple Yes or No. There have been various studies made by researchers with no conclusive proof that they are dangerous.
However, in saying that it is not recommended to use if you have any pre-existing injury or health problems, always consult with your doctor if in doubt. Excessive use is also a no-no as with anything.
So to Summarize
No matter what your fitness priorities are, the benefits are clear to see, and this fitness regime gives you a tremendously easy way to achieve them.
Once again, here’s the 3 most popular models as regularly ordered by our customers:

- Online Bestseller
- Over 150 Reviews
- Easy To Use
- Extremely Versatile

- Over 500 Reviews
- An 'Amazon Choice'
- Full 3D Vibration
- Lifetime Gaurantee

- Over 325 Reviews
- Perfect on a Budget
- Small & Compact
- Versatile Design
Ideally, you will make this the starting point for a healthier new lifestyle. Once you feel the range of vibration plate benefits this is likely to encourage you to begin to eat more healthily and adopt an overall better lifestyle which is the core of feeling strong and healthy.
Read more:
Pinty Fitness Vibration Platform Reviews In 2025